FRAMERATE: Pulse of the Earth’s hypnotic imagery bears witness to landscapes in flux. The impact of human behaviour and the immense force of nature unfolds around...
FRAMERATE: Pulse of the Earth
“It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge what energy is.” This was said by Richard Feynman, Nobel laureate in physics in...
A powerful change
A project of Accredia – The Italian Accreditation Body In collaboration with Brillo Magazine Illustrations of Chiara Lanzieri The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by world leaders at...
In Italian, there is a saying, “Speak as you eat,” used when a person speaks in an overly complicated way in a context where it is...
Bite the culture
Let us together will, conceive, and create the new building of the future, which will unite everything in a single form—architecture and sculpture and painting. With these...
Visions from the future
Víctor Solís is a cartoonist, illustrator and a plastic artist. At times I find that drawing about the environment from a humorous perspective, whether critical or reflective,...
Victor Solís: drawing the climate change
Marina DeBris describes her project and her artistic mission: I have been picking up trash along beaches and creeks for over 20 years. My mission began when...
Marina DeBris: art made from waste
The exhibition features Benjamin Von Wong’s two works, #TurnOffThePlasticTap and #MermaidsHatePlastic, to reflect on our relationship with plastic. #TURNOFFTHEPLASTICTAP What the artist Benjamin Von Wong said about the...
#TurnOffThePlasticTap and #MermaidsHatePlastic
Illustrations of the Natural Orders of Plants is a complete reproduction and restoration of Elizabeth Twining’s celebrated 1868 catalogue of botanical illustrations, enhanced with interactive descriptions,...
Illustrations of the Natural Orders of Plants
The Salvatore Ferragamo Museum in Florence joins the Milan Green Forum 2021 with the Sustainable Thinking project. The fashion maison has always shown considerable attention to environmental...
Sustainable Thinking
Oscar Andrea Braendli, called Oscarino, was born in Milan on 15 January 1950, into a Swiss family who loved nature and the arts. At home he...
Come see my nature!
My earliest understanding of deep time and our relationship to the geological history of the planet came from my passion for being in nature. Our planet has...
Anthropocene by Edward Burtynksy
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